Swoop Bike Gangs

Swoop bike gangs or "swoopers" have established themselves well during the past few years. And because competing efforts from bigger gangs have been channeled in other directions, such as spice trade or Bogan relations, the swoop bike gang threat has been flourishing without drawing direct attention. Finding that they sometimes could not afford the mercenary contracts to work both Bogan and counter gangster competition, big gang enforcers in many cities have been forced to make painful choices. Although there is no comparison between the violence levels of swoopers and the established big gangs, swoopers have gained attention because they are involved in "well-talked about" violent crimes. This infamy on the holonet has prompted cities to higher more mercenaries and security to protect their interests more closely. Swoopers are now known for their flare when conducting extortion and raids on establishments.

Since swoop gangs are always on the move and have comparitively few members, it makes it harder for other organizations to infiltrate them. This in turn also adds to the swoopers recent ability to grow unchecked. At the moment, swoop bike gangs have yet to become a serious challenge to the two main gang lord establishments on Tython and Bogan cults view them as rif-raf and not worthy of any effort. In the meantime, swoop gang sophistication continues to escalate with the use of refurbished technologies: Droids keep their records, coded comlinks make communications easier for gang members to conduct operations, and even secret holonet sites are now common.

Some swoopers and associates operate spy shops, and make good use of surveillance technology, including electronic bugging and countermeasures equipment. A few of the bigger and more powerful swoopers have the financial ability to obtain the most sophisticated weapons and equipment to keep their swoop bikes the fastest and deadliest on the planet.

Each of the three current swoop gangs favor certain swoop models and offer insight as to how they should be viewed:

Crashpads: Favor the Z4-Z swoop "Three will keep a secret if two are dead."

Vermillions: Favor the Flare-S swoop "The Force decides ones destiny, but not for the Vermillions."

Deathriders: Utilize the Zephyr-G swoop "We are the ones that our parents warned us about."