New Galactic Republic

A couple of years ago, a New Republic was born with the signing of a Galactic Agreement between the representatives from Coruscant, Corellia, Duro, Humbarine, Axum, Kuat, and Alderaan. This fairly new republic is slowly collecting more and more worlds under its sphere of influence with promises of protection from the Hutts and other space pirates.

Thanks to Humans and Duros working together to reverse engineer Rakata Force-based technologies, it has allowed them and much of the rest of the galaxy to expand and colonize other worlds using hyperdrives. Hyperdrive technology has spread like wildfire even before the rise of this new republic.

This technology, along with the Galactic Republic's central location within the galaxy has allowed it to grow outward at a steady pace from their capital planet of Coruscant.

All races are welcome, exploration is priority, and peace and protection for all its citizens shall be enforced.