Pelorian Gangsters

The Pelorian Gangsters had been formed in the early times by Slithio Pelorian and his son, Kyle Pelorian, and rose quickly alongside its violent rival, the Tyrpin Gang. But while the Tyrpin Gangsters gained a global reputation for brutality and murder, the Pelorian operatives posed as civilized noblemen. This unique gangster enterprise initially involved itself in extortion and kidnapping, but gradually expanded into transporting spice elements from Draco Station and Wargo to Toth Anon for conversion into Muon Gold and Lumini-Spice.

Organization: The wide open possibilities of the Rakata extinction allowed the group to form, but also allowed them to develop and organize itself into multiple "cells" that appear to operate independently, yet report to a "cellboss" or manager, who then reports back to the Pelorians. The independent cell structure is what sets the Pelorian Gangsters apart from the more dominant Tyrpin Gang. The Pelorian Gang operates as a tight group of independent criminal organizations, as opposed to the Tyrpin's structure of a central leader, Quard Tyrpin.

It is believed each cell reports to a larger group, who then report to the leaders of the overall gang. The known groups are:

Spice-moving: Control over processing labs, transport methods and routes.

Mercenaries: Control over security, punishment and discipline in relation to shop keeping, farming, and cantina management.

Cloak and Dagger: Responsible for forging planetary links such as other gang members, assassin leaders and bounty hunters.

Financial: Control over money and business ventures.

Bogan relations: Diplomatic ties with the four known Bogan Cult Leaders.