The Hutt Empire

Between the decline of the Infinite Empire and the rise of other civilizations, the Hutt Empire under Emperor Kossak has become an economic power in the galaxy. Kossak the Hutt specializes in controlling hyperspace trade routes and doesn't bother with conquest or warmongering.

One exception to the above rule was a war against Xim the Despot. During Xim's reign in the Si'Klaata Cluster his own empire attempted to vanquish the Hutts, resulting in the Hutt-Xim conflict. The Hutt Empire eventually managed to form a pact with the Nikto, Klatooinian and Vodran, and with this new alliance, formed a slave army that was crucial to the Hutt victory at the Third Battle of Vontor circa 25,100 BBY which saw the defeat of Xim's War-Robots.

Following the battle, the Treaty of Vontor was signed by the Hutts, Klatooinians, Vodrans, and Nikto. This treaty has set the Hutts up as eternal overlords over the three other species and of the Si'Klaata Cluster. Don't be surprised if you find your vessel surrounded by Hutt-Gunships the moment it comes out of hyperspace with them demanding tribute for safe passage.

Current throneworld of the Hutt Empire is the planet Nal Hutta.