Gravestar Pirates

The Gravestar pirates are a band of selfish, greedy, rude, evil, and generally contemptible scoundrels who hunt outer space around Tython. Capturing and plundering starships for cargo, money, and the starships themselves, these space pirates have become infamous for hording riches and then splurging it all away in cantinas and casinos around the planet. So far Shipjacker and Marauder vessels have even fallen prey to the mighty guns of the main vessel known as the Gravestar-1.

Gravestar-1 is rumored to be a heavily modified Rakata cruiser. Armed to the teeth and fitted with the fastest engines, it successfully hunts down and attacks any misguided ships that get too close to Tython. Stories of this terrifying vessel taking advantage of wandering ships caught in either the asteroid ring or in ancient mine fields are common with the Captain Ellis Moonstrider taking no prisoners.

"She came from the shadow of the Moon, and in seconds overtook us. We were forced to jettison our cargo after she heavily damaged our main engine, and then when we thought we might have mercy she continued the attack. The rain of turbo-laser fire was so great that we knew our ship was lost and had to man the escape pods. Even then we became target practice....those...those Gravestar monsters...someday they will pay....wait a minute, did that Feeorin just look our way? Shhhh..We had better leave."