Xim GenoHaradan

Xim the Despot created the GenoHaradan as a sort of secret police, using it to eliminate his most powerful enemies and rivals. A GenoHaradan agent's objective was not only to eliminate the target, but to eliminate the target in such a way that it would seem the agent had no involvement whatsoever in the death or disappearance. Since this left agents with no ability to produce proof of their success, other agents would be assigned to monitor them and report results to superiors. Even with its agents under his complete control, however, Xim was defeated after a mere 30 years at the Third Battle of Vontor during the Hutt-Xim conflict. It was believed that the GenoHaradan died with him, and this is the point at which common knowledge of the old guild is speculative. Some believe that these expert assassins remain available for wealthy organizations. Some believe that they are working to conquer various empires from within. Rumors abound with the whispers of the GenoHaradan being still active throughout shady establishments around the galaxy.