The Dark Side Clouds Everything...

The four Bogan Cults of Tython, which serves the interests of the Dark Side, are a force of unparalleled evil on the planet. Each cult apparently grew in far distant parts of the world but somehow mirror one another in their methods. Cultists infiltrate the cities, seeking out beings that their Bogan Lords can use as tools in their relentless drive to further their secret goals and presumably become the unchallenged masters of Tython. As one might expect, use of the Dark Side has an attractive appeal to those who wish to overcome their enemies and protect themselves through quickly obtained raw power.

Over time, the Bogan Cults have undergone a curious evolution in the cities of Tython. The Bogan Lords have learned that as much as mastery over the Dark Side interests them, attracting willing followers to their cause is also desirable. After battling gang lords, they have developed a number of methods to attract and retain followers for strength in numbers. The Bogan Lords have a clear understanding of the base desires of those around them and the ability to act on those desires when it is to their advantage.

The Bogan Cults recruit most of their non-members from the poorest segments of society. Because these individuals are rejected so harshly by the rest of Tython’s gang organizations, they have very little access to the limited advanced technology that remains. The Bogan Cults provide them with a way to meet those needs—for a price. To families that are starving or wasting away from disease, even the dark demands of the Bogan Lords may not seem too high a price to pay.

The Bogan Lords also use various addictive businesses (including the sale of spice) to gain inroads into society. Addicts are easily motivated and controlled, and the additional credits are useful for making purchases (including slaves).

Finally, the cults provide their services to certain unscrupulous members of Tython. They can provide a ready supply of people with no connection to their employers who can nevertheless be ordered to do anything required of them. More than one Pelorian cellboss has turned to one of the cults to obtain the services of an untraceable assassin (untraceable to other gangsters, at least) or a servant who is in no position to protest cruel and sadistic treatment.

In the last two years, the Bogan Cults have grown in strength considerably. Many poor have joined this new movement in the hopes to stave of hunger and death. Often times these folk are never seen again, at least in a physically recognizable sense. It is presumed that the cults require their new followers to undergo ritualistic body tattooing to mask their original identities from afar and to provide them more camouflage to match their black cloaks.