Shi'ido Assassins Guild

The Shi’ido Assassins Guild is probably the most feared organization on the planet. These assassins are made up of a race of shape shifting aliens known only as the Shi’ido. Apparently these hired killers can assume the form of just about anything of equal size and can remain in this disguise even when unconscious. These disguises allow them to follow and ambush assigned targets with ease assuming the forms of other aliens or even inanimate objects. Along with their mastery over disguise, they are also trained in lethal forms of hand to hand using edged weaponry. Some believe it is they and not anyone else that actually run all the known organizations on Tython. Paranoia runs rampant, but it is known that they are hirable and can be paid to kill. Only those who are “in the know” seem to be able to contact them, and only then it is done in the shadows and in secret meetings. Some believe that only a handful of these assassins exist, while others believe that there is at least a thousand.